Friday, July 23, 2010

Finished Reading My Book... Finally

I've been working slowly on reading a book that someone gave me. I am quite a slow reader because of being busy and also I just always fall asleep when I read. It comes from my childhood when we were allowed to stay up a half hour later if we were reading. So now reading is eternally associated with sleeping. Anyways that is the story of while it has taken over a year to finish one book! So sad really.

Anyways, I've been reading "Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates" by Tom Robbins. This was my first Tom Robbins and I can't wait to read more. He's very clever and has a great way of writing. The book was terribly interesting and kept me coming back.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes that I dog-eared

"At the very moment when we become, for the first time, both introspective and socially conscientious, we receive the bad news that the world, by and large, doesn't give a rat's ass"

"Pale sunlight warmed the 'starship,' the 'second-story window,' the 'throne of enlightenment' from whose eminence he kept watch on the world"

"...the sea was the shade of blue that black could have been if it hadn't stepped over the line"

"Looking at it from another angle, their kiss was like a paper airplane landing on the moon"

" 'It's likely to get ugly from now on, sister love. I don't want to alarm anybody, but I smell smoke in the cabin, and the exits are not clearly marked' "

"With an air of aloof benevolence, such as one might find in a kindergarten teacher whose interest in children was strictly professional...."

It's always pretty bittersweet when you finish a book. Especially one that took this long to read. The book was like a bystander to my life for the last year or so. Carrying the memories of flights, trips to the beach, romances, heartbreaks, boredom, distraction, stress, and excitement; all within its pages. But its nice to know somewhat how things ended for these fictional friends who you've been spying on and also to put away that year of your life and open up a new one.

So goodbye "Fierce Invalids" and hello to one of the many other books I have stacked for reading.

Have a good weekend all!

DIY Etched Glass

First edition in the DIY posts! I found this idea on Design*Sponge and was thrilled that I was able to do it in my apartment. Though I'm pretty sure it would also be useful on a bathroom window if you wanted to blur them out. In my apartment I have this great door that separates one section from the other and I think this etched glass look fits well.

All you need:
-transparent contact paper (you can find this at most hardware stores)
-white paint pen (good deals on
-scissors or x-acto knife

First you need to measure your panel pieces. I found the easiest way was to use a piece of paper and cut it as a template, making sure it fit perfectly and then using it on the contact paper to cut out each panel. Then you just need to decide on some designs and draw them on there with the paint pen. The hardest part is putting the contact paper on the window. The best way to get the least amount of bubbles is to peel off just the very top of the paper and center it as best you can on the window. Then as you peel the rest of the paper off you carefully press the contact paper against the window as it goes. Take your time, it is worth it.

So that's it, simple, just takes a little time! Let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Art Beat 2010

Occasionally sticky heat and humidity can make everyone wish they were living in a refrigerator, such was the case on the 17th. I desperately needed to get to the grocery store and was dreading walking the 2 miles in the swampy weather. As I walked I noticed part of the road was closed....odd...I looked up a little further and saw a whole bustle of people. Suddenly I realized I was stumbling upon Art Beat! I immediately realized I need to read more flyers as I walk through the square, and also renewed my love for Davis Square.

Art Beat is an art festival that happens yearly with a different theme in Davis Square. This year's theme was water and was complete with kiddy pool with giant plastic bubbles. Being pretty much broke I enjoyed looking into each of the sweating tents and admiring work but I pretty much walked straight through so I wouldn't be tempted or get depressed when I couldn't afford what I wanted. I did snap one shot of a mini-parade as it went by:

I felt really bad for the human looked miserable but one chick had a good attitude and winked at all the passing people. I recognized a few vendors from when I helped a friend out at SOWA and can't believe people sit out in this heat so often. Pretty impressive.

Hope everyone is starting their week well!

Monday, July 19, 2010



It's the first post in my new exciting blog about life as a broke college grad looking for crafts, inspiration and design excellence! I'm hoping to share interesting stories, photos, and events as well as DIY projects that inspire me and ones I have tried out myself. I will also be showing proud moments of friend designers and artists to show how amazing they are! So if you have any comments or suggestions for posts let me know and comment away!